Architecture On My Mind

In juxtaposition with the landscape series, Architecture On My Mind depicts the passage of time on man-made constructs, and the connection between people and their built environment. These paintings portray our historical relationship with these urban and rural spaces. Thawra or A New Dawn paints the destruction caused by wartime through the perforated concrete facades, reminders of human neglect and a longing for new beginnings. Similarly, the The Pink House, and Saint Vilnius/A Walk in The City paintings portray what were once beautiful homes and vibrant streets forgotten through time, calling for historic preservation. The paintings of the Balamand monastery show the emotional connection between people and architecture. The edifice represents a multi-generational source of strength with its vernacular stone construction of arches and vaults, that withstands the test of time.

Still Standing At The Edge of Heaven - Jabal Moussa, 14” x 21” - Private Collection

Beirut Before The Blast, 10” x 14” - Private Collection

Beirut Before The Blast, 10” x 14” - Private Collection

Thawra or A New Dawn, 14” x 21”- Private Collection

Thawra or A New Dawn, 14” x 21”- Private Collection

The Pink House Manara, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

The Pink House Manara, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

Visite a Lourdes, 14” x 10” - Private Collection

Visite a Lourdes, 14” x 10” - Private Collection

St Vilnius, A walk in the City, 10” x 14”

St Vilnius, A walk in the City, 10” x 14”

Havana Blues, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

Havana Blues, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

Tradd Street, Charleston, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

Tradd Street, Charleston, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

Snow in the City, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

Snow in the City, 21” x 28” - Private Collection

Balamand Shutters, 21” x 14”

Balamand Shutters, 21” x 14”

Deir El Balamand I, 10” x 6.5”

Deir El Balamand I, 10” x 6.5”

Deir El Balamand II, 10” x 6.5”

Deir El Balamand II, 10” x 6.5”


Color Symphony

